Chiropractor Phoenix AZ

Chiropractor Phoenix AZ 85085 Tramonto Area 85086


Chiropractic has long been known to provide neck and back pain relief.  However, there are many other conditions that can benefit from chiropractic as well.  Conditions such as headaches, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, hip and knee pain just to name a few.  Current research has shown not only the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care, but also chiropractic being as or more effective than traditional medical care for neck and back pain treatment.


Shawn Wherry, DC has been providing chiropractic care since 1998 in Phoenix, AZ.  In addition, he also treats sports injuries, work comp injuries and auto injuries.









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marker  34406 North 27th Dr.  Bldg.6
  Suite 116
  Phoenix, AZ 85085

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